Branded Spaces


Our wayfinding strategies and solutions enable successful place-making experiences. They reflect an understanding of diverse user needs.

Image of Branded Spaces
Image of Branded Spaces
Image of Branded Spaces

Integrated developments are a challenge to navigate: the different typologies and circulation paths mean that wayfinding strategies and signage design must be highly visible and intuitive even as they support a seamless user experience.

Image of Branded Spaces
Image of Branded Spaces

Place-making, venue identification and navigation are the three roles that our signage design and wayfinding systems fulfill in all manner of built environments.

Image of Branded Spaces
Image of Branded Spaces
Image of Branded Spaces

Hosting new guests 24/7 means hotels and resorts require universally comprehensible signage systems that also do double duty in reinforcing a sense of place and brand.

Image of Branded Spaces
Image of Branded Spaces
Image of Branded Spaces

The retail environment requires that today's shoppers feel immersed in a world of possibilities. All painpoints arising from an inability to navigate stores or malls should be eliminated.

Image of Branded Spaces
Image of Branded Spaces
Image of Branded Spaces

We're proud to have implemented wayfinding solutions for numerous clients over the years.