Superfoods are not unique to the west. Here are 18 Asian foods we believe deserve the accolade. How many have you eaten?
A crunchy snack! High in calcium, protein, iron, magnesium, sodium and vitamins B1, B2, and B3.
These fermented Japanese soybeans are rich in vitamins - great for the skin, heart and bones.
This Korean staple is great for cardiovascular health and strengthening immunity. It contains antioxidants to combat ageing and other chronic conditions.
This mushroom contains active polysaccharide compounds to boost immunity and relieve allergies.
These seeds are regarded as an "ancient remedy for all illnesses", from headaches to asthma, allergies, indigestion and autoimmune disorders.
Vitamin-packed red dates are ideal for those recovering from illnesses. They also improve immunity, decrease cholesterol levels and possess antioxidant qualities.
This squirm-inducing dish is a developing duck embryo, and a national delicacy in the Phillippines, it is believed to improve male fertility and libido, while pregnant women may consume it as a restorative food.
This herb provides relieve from stomach and respiratory disorders, insomnia, fevers, aches, rheumatism and edema.
A brightly coloured spice, Saffron is known to combat asthma and cough. It is also used as an aphrodisiac
A peppery and bitter plant, tumeric has been used in both Chinese and Indian medicine as an anti-inflammatory agent. it effectively treats flatulence, jaundice, and menstrual difficulties and can inhibit cancerous growths.
This fruit is packed with phytonutrients: vitamin C, good fatty acids, carotene and protein. It strengthens bones and teeth and also boosts immunity.
While high in calories and carbohydrates, durian sare naturally rich in potassium, dietary fibre, iron and vitamins B and C. The "king of fruit" also improves muscle strength, blood pressure and skin health.
Also dubbed the "herb of immortality", jiaogulan regulates cholesterol, blood pressure, aids digestion and boosts immunity. It also contains powerful antioxidants to mediate free radical damage.
This renowned herb is a traditional restorative. It comabts fatigue and improves cognitive function. It has anti-inflammatory effects and is linked to a lowered risk of cancer.
A seasonal parasitic fungus that preys on insects, cordyceps features in traditional Chiense and Tibetan medicine. It boosts the respiratory function, increases oxygen absorption and regulates cholesterol levels.
This delicacy stimulates cell regeneration, strengthens the immune and respiratory systems. Regular consumption nourishes and supports a healthy body, improving metabolism.
A staple in Indian cuisine and Ayurvedic medicine, ghee reduces the risk of heart disease. It is a good source of energy, especially for endurance sports athletes.
This is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, aiding in proper brain function.It contains microelements like calcium, iron and zinc in ideal concentrations for the body. Bone marrow also impedes the progression of leukemia.